Special Olympics Project Finished

Filed under:Special Olympics, Video, UAV, Work — posted by Tyler on February 7, 2006 @ 12:00 am

I recently finished the Special Olympics Utah General Orientation video that I’ve been working on for the past month. I had been waiting on the voice-over audio that was done by Doug Jardine. I finally received that from the Training Coordinator of Special Olympics Utah, Rochelle Deeter, the last week of December.

I’m pleased with the final product. I filmed all the footage over the last year. The was probably the hard part of all this. I edit video with Adobe Premier and add text effects with Adobe After Effects. The staff at Special Olympics were pleased and I had reports from the CEO that he shared the video with Special Olympics Inc in Washington D.C. and they liked it, too.

The funny thing is when the CEO of Special Olympics Utah complimented me on my work by saying that this video was every bit as good as the previous video that had been done by a TV Studio. The problem with that comment is that I had seen the old video and I didn’t think it was that good. It had PowerPoint style text screens and the video was kind of dull. I’m sure that when it was made it was probably top notch, but I think mine was a lot better! One thing that did come out of our conversation was my decision to charge more in the future. I give them a discount because they’re my favorite charity, but I don’t think I continue to discount my prices as much as I do. I’m glad he brought it up, but I’m sure he didn’t expect me to apply it to him. Oh well. I’ve gotta make a living, right?

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